Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Assumption of Our Lady - Hearts In Heaven


Homily for Assumption of Our Lady

August 15, 2024

Mind In Heaven, Body on Earth


            “Hey, get out of la-la land.” Anyone’s ever said that to you? When I was younger, I got a lot of “Hey, earth to Joe…” and coaches would always say, “Get your head in the game!”

            It’s entirely possible to be physically present in one place, but our mind is a million miles away. Happens to the best of us on occasion!

            But one could say that Mary’s entire life was such an occasion. Even though her body was here on this earth – eating, sleeping, walking around, taking care of young Jesus – her mind was completely in Heaven, adoring the Lord, desiring Him, praising Him, longing for Him. She never wavered in her desire for Heaven, never wavered in her intimate union with the Lord, even when she was cooking dinner or sweeping the floor. Her interior life was already in Heaven, even while her body was on earth.

            So it’s only fitting that her body would go where her entire mind, heart, and soul desired. How could her body remain on earth when her entire life was focused on God? She desired to see God with her entire life – how could such a burning, all-consuming desire remain unfulfilled by her body remaining here?

            Perhaps our bodies remain here after death because, deep down inside, we actually desire this world far more than God. Of course this world is good in itself, but its goodness is only meant to be a paltry reflection of the infinite goodness of God. Mary saw everything through that lens – a sunrise was a reminder of God’s eternal faithfulness; a cup of water reminded her of the Living Water promised by the Lord; every encounter with another person was a reminder that we are all made in the Image of God. She never loved a thing for itself – rather, she loved all things in relation to God.

            We, however, often love things wrongly, because we make things an end in themselves. This is why our hearts are still tied to the earth, and perhaps why our bodies stay on earth after death, too.

            But we can begin to love like Mary. Even while here on earth, set your heart on the things of Heaven. See everything in relation to God. Our blessings become gifts from the Father. Our daily tasks become gifts we offer back to Him. Our sufferings become ways we are forged in holiness. Our life’s destiny becomes oriented towards our ultimate purpose.

            Mary’s heart was in Heaven while her body remained on earth, and at the end of her life, her body was united to her ultimate desire to be with God. Even while we remain here on earth, our hearts and desires can be in Heaven – and someday, we hope that our bodies may rise there too, to behold God for all eternity.

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