Saturday, January 17, 2015

Bring 'Em to Jesus and Get Out of the Way

* Note: This was part of the blog that I wrote for the Archdiocese of Baltimore in 2007 *

If I had to pick a motto for my life, I think it would be, “Bring them to Jesus and get out of the way.” That’s pretty much what we’re all about, as priests (and priest wanna-be’s). And the Lord keeps showing me this – it’s not about me, but it’s about getting out of the way so that He can work powerfully.

            Every first Friday, we have Eucharistic adoration here at St. John’s. This past First Friday, I went over to the school to teach my usual 6th grade classes in the afternoon. Being that this is Respect Life week, I taught a pretty intense lesson on abortion. The kids were really getting into it and were fairly shocked when they realized how widespread this problem was and how horrific it is in its very nature. Many of the kids, in fact, didn’t even know what abortion was! So when they learned, they were rightly outraged.

            At the end of class, I invited all of them to join me for some adoration for an end to abortion after school let out. Totally optional, but I just wanted to get them praying for an end to this huge problem in our society. Well, I was quite surprised to find that eight kids wanted to join me for adoration. That was more kids than I expected!

            So we headed over to the church immediately after school let out. As soon as we got into the church and started to pray, I could feel the Holy Spirit moving powerfully in their hearts. The young man next to me began to weep, overwhelmed with the love of God. It was all very inspiring to see their faith and attentiveness in prayer.

            Fifteen minutes passed, and no one stirred. Finally, knowing that I had to get to another meeting, I whispered to them all, “You all are welcome to stay as long as you want, but if you need to leave, that’s okay too,” and I got up to leave, expecting most of them to be tired of adoration already, bored and ready to leave.

            No one moved.

            I was amazed.

            There is such a hunger for Jesus that if we simply bring people to Jesus and get out of the way, He will move powerfully.

            I left and came back a couple of minutes later, just to check and make sure that no one was destroying hymnals or anything (they ARE sixth-grade boys, after all). Everyone was still there, adoring the Lord with great devotion.

            I get blown away by stuff like that. So many people, including fellow ministers in the Church, try to convince me that kids aren’t into stuff like adoration or loving Jesus. And yet, I have seen completely the opposite – there is such an unbelievable hunger for the love of God, even in a place like Severna Park where most people are pretty rich and where materialism has a strong foothold. Yet despite all that, nothing can quench our natural desire for the Lord.

            So, what am I to do but bring them to Jesus and get out of the way, so that the Lord may work most powerfully in their lives!

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