Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Homily for Easter 7 - May 28, 2017

Homily for Easter 7

May 28, 2017

All Flows From Union With God


            The story goes that a banquet was being held in celebration of an elderly priest’s 50th anniversary of ordination. Many famous people who were personal friends of the priest were in attendance, including one very famous Shakespearean actor. During the course of the after-dinner convocation, someone asked the actor to recite Psalm 23 – the one that begins, “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want…” The actor agreed to do it, on the condition that the priest would recite it after him.

            The room was quieted and in a powerful, dramatic voice, the Shakespearean actor gave an unforgettable recitation of the Psalm. The room shook with thunderous applause when he had finished. After this, the priest slowly got up, and in a quiet voice, trembling with age, he recited the same Psalm – “The Lord is my shepherd, there is nothing I shall want…” When he had finished, there was absolute, reverential silence in the room, and tears were streaming down many people’s faces.

            The actor turned to the man beside him and said, “Why do people cheer at my performance, but are moved with emotion at his?”

            The man responded, “You know the Psalm, but the priest knows the Shepherd.”

            The priest was able to move hearts because of his union with God. Although his words were the exact same words as the actor’s, they were spoken with a hidden power – the power of God, which penetrates even into the listener’s souls.

            Union with God is precisely what our readings are all about. The first reading speaks about what the Apostles did after the Ascension. Remember – Jesus had just given them a mission, the mission to go convert the whole world! A rather daunting task, if there ever was one! But what is the first thing they did, according to our reading? They went to the upper room and prayed. They sought out union with God. They knew that all of their words and efforts to convert the world would be utterly fruitless unless their words had the backing of the Holy Spirit.

            Likewise, our Gospel is almost an eavesdrop onto one of Jesus’ most beautiful prayer. It is called the “High Priestly Prayer” because it is the prayer he prays immediately before beginning His passion and death. In His words, we hear how He has sought, and continues to seek, union with God the Father. Ultimately His Passion and Death are only fruitful because they are in union with the Father’s plan.

            Right now, outside, we see all sorts of incredible flowers. I have never seen such azaleas and irises, radiating color. Sometimes, to enjoy a beautiful flower, we pick it and we bring it inside, where it adorns our dining room table. That can be quite nice…but from the moment we pick the flower, it starts to wilt and die. We can slow down the process by putting it in a vase with water, but when it’s separated from the plant, the flower will die quickly.

            Likewise, if we are separated from God, off doing our own plans but not listening to Him and seeking Him, we wilt and die as well.

            At Trinity High School, the seniors will be graduating this Friday, so all of them are excited about going off to college and moving on with their lives. But when they tell me about their plans, I often ask them, “Did you pray about that? Did you ask God where He wanted you to go to college?” Usually they didn’t…but how much smoother would life be if we asked God for guidance when we make a choice!

            I can testify to this. When I was a senior in high school, I had my heart set on going to this college called Mount St. Mary’s in Maryland. It was close to my house, they gave me a great scholarship, and they had everything I was looking for. But when I went to Adoration and asked God where HE wanted me to go, I kept getting the sense that I was supposed to go to a different Catholic school, Franciscan University. It wasn’t as if He gave me a flashing sign like a billboard or anything, but it was a resounding sense of being led in one certain direction. I ended up going there, and had the best four years of my life!

            When we surrender to God’s will, to His plan for our life, making our decisions in union with Him, we will find a greater joy and freedom than if we tried to plan out our lives on our own. Do not be afraid to live your life in union with Him! He takes nothing away, but gives everything – love, life, meaning and purpose.

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